Friday, May 1, 2009


Lola seems to be getting a little better. We read up on how dogs grieve for each other. She has pretty much every single symptom of it so we're doing a lot of what you're supposed to. We wish we could have taken her with us Sunday night, but we were just running around like crazy and left her in the house thinking that was the right thing. It turns out that if you have a dog that dies and another still living, its best for the living one to see the body. I would not have thought that was the case, but apparently so. Also, you aren't supposed to change anything about your house, keep all of the toys around, all of the passed away dog's things in the house for as long as you and the living dog need. It helps the living dog cope and get used to a new routine. Any change that's unnecessary shouldn't be done because the living dog is highly nervous and anxious with the circumstances and anything that adds to that can be damaging.

Anyway, the last two nights she has gone from sleeping in front of Bleu's basket to sleeping in Bleu's basket. She doesn't just walk out and get in the car(which is what she used to do), she walks out and stares at the street and wants to walk around to all of the spots that Bleu used to pee on. Even though its raining! And Lola does not like rain, but she doesn't care if she's trying to get a little Bleu scent. I made her a pallet to lay on in my room so she's comfortable and can hang out with me. I brought my shirt that I was wearing on Sunday down here thinking it would help her. She cuddles with it, smells it and licks it like she cleaning it. Its sweet and I'm sure that it has the strongest Bleu scent of anything in the house, so I hope its doing her good. I read tha dogs can tell when the other's hurt by scent. Hopefully that's giving her a better idea of where he is. I just don't want her to always be looking, I want her to get adjusted and get back to her old self soon.

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