Thursday, April 30, 2009

My Parents

Bleu, charging my Dad the fee for sitting on his love seat.

They came in town yesterday to see how we were doing. They loved Bleu, too. I couldn't really talk to them on Sunday night, but my Dad called me Monday morning and said that the sky was the reddest he'd ever seen it. Mom called later and wanted to know if they needed to come out. We agreed that it would be good if they came.
They brought Lola an new toy and some Beggin Strips. She's still not too excited with toys, but who could pass up Beggin Strips? Dad also split some ice cream with her. She was as excited as I've seen her all week when they walked through the door.
We were hoping to get Bleu's remains and they could help us handle that, but he wasn't ready yet. It was very helpful, though, them just being here and driving around all day, keeping our minds off it. Its amazing what parents will do for their kids, even after their grown. We will get to more stories regarding them and Bleu later.
Thank You for coming out to check on us, we love you.

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