Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I've been missing Bleu pretty bad again this week, mainly because everything is a first now. The first time I do something or want to do something without Bleu. Its not the best way to look at things but its how I've been seeing it. I had Bleu for 6 years and he witnessed more overhauls, changes and re-directing of my life first-hand than anyone else in my life. Bleu was there when I graduated college, when I decided to move to Tulsa, when I decided to move back to Tulsa, when I decided to get married and when we bought our first house. Bleu was the one constant, always right by my side with an excited look, wagging tail and tongue bath. I can't help but miss him looking up at me with a smile.

Now we're having a BIG first without Bleu, we're getting a puppy. After talking about it we decided it would be best for Lola and us, and that it had been enough time for Lola. We went back and forth on adopting a rescue setter, but I just couldn't handle looking outside and seeing another grown Setter outside, it would be like plugging in a substitution and there is no substitute for Bleu. We couldn't get one of the litter that was recently born here in Tulsa, because the were all previously claimed. So we came across one that needed a home and was some what convenient and we are picking him up this weekend. I know that it might be difficult at first, but I'm sure its what we should do. We love you Bleu.

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