Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Day One

The first day I brought Bleu home with me was a Friday. It was in the afternoon and he was around 8 1/2 weeks and we played outside for a couple of hours and ate dinner. He passed out around 7-8 at night and thought that would be the end of his day. Quick side note, when Bleu was a baby, you could literally touch his butt with his ears when he went to sleep. Being that it was a Friday night and all, I thought I would go out for a while, just a little while, and get back and it wouldn't be a big deal.

Now we were living in a 1 bedroom apartment at the time and I had kept up with it pretty good to that point. So, I put him in the bathroom, covered the floor with newspaper and left him there without him even batting an eye.

I was gone for around 3 hours arriving back home around midnight and could hear his yelping from the parking lot. I ran in and opened the bathroom door. Bleu had pooped on the newspaper and somehow managed to wipe the poop all around the bathroom wall. Everything under 6 inches high had poop on it. He had unrolled the toilet paper, eaten the tooth paste and poop smeared my tooth brush. At that point I realized my life was going to be completely different.

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